Polish/Danish Legal Matters

Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine assist clients regarding Polish-Danish legal matters.

We have an established relationship with a number of Polish lawyers, and we can rely on a wide network in Poland in connection with our legal services.

We provide advice to our clients in both Danish and Polish, and we understand the cultural and commercial aspects which are important when providing legal advice in a Polish-Danish context.

Due to our knowledge and understanding of Polish-Danish aspects, we are able to accurately identify the needs of our clients and provide qualified and comprehensive advice – without communication difficulties or misunderstanding, or an immediate need for translation of documents when analyzing a new case.

We specialize in the following areas:

Establishment in Poland

  • Company formation
  • Preparation of employment contracts
  • Review of lease agreements
  • Other contract negotiations

Business operations in Poland

  • Obtaining qualified advice based on Polish law
  • Negotiation of commercial contracts
  • Representation in matters of commercial and public legal issues
  • Insolvency-related matters
  • Company liquidation

Dispute resolution in Poland

  • Conducting legal proceedings in Poland
  • Negotiation and advice on commercial disputes
  • Debt collection in Poland

We are members of the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce.

If you have questions, please contact:

Thomas Bøgelund Norvold
Email: tbn@dklaw.dk
Tel: +45 33 13 69 20

Head of Polish Desk
Pawel Weigel
Email: pw@dklaw.dk
Tel: +45 33 13 69 20