Career Opportunity

Our associates are part of a competent and motivated team. All our associates are selected on the background of their high professional qualifications, excellent human characteristics, including collaboration and communication skills.

We place great emphasis on further training, motivating and taking care of our associates. This ensures that the client and each associate achieve the greatest possible satisfaction.

We have an informal working environment characterised by openness, accountability and professionalism. Our employees are always in the process of development. Development, concerning both professional as well as human skills. We believe that the whole person in the long run is the best employee, it is therefore crucial for us that there is room for career, leisure time and family life.


Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine have a tradition of having 2-3 students assigned to us. In our experience a position with us as a law student provides you with a good basis for your further development and career.